Thursday, January 16, 2014

Winter Wonder Land

Walnut Creek, Clive Greenbelt Park
This is the picture postcard version of winter in Iowa.  So calm, so peaceful.
Gentle snow has lain itself upon the banks of the creek, like a gently swirled frosting.  The snow adds it's touch of white to the empty trees, giving them a lacy elegance.  The creek itself has a glaze of ice, giving it a glassy sheen. Shadows from the bright sunlight behind the trees lend the landscape a subtle zebra pattern.  And  behind it all, the sky a beautiful dusty blue.
So calm, so peaceful.
Now let's talk about today.
The day was fairly average to begin with, at least for January in Iowa.  The wind was blowing, but nothing that could knock over the garbage cans lined up along the curb for pickup. 
During the late morning and early afternoon some light snow flurries passed through town.  Again nothing extreme.  And warm temperatures in the mid 30's quickly melted what little snow did fall.
It was all a setup.  Mother Nature, so sneaky!
Around 4 pm the temperature quickly dropped from 35 degrees, well above freezing, to 29 degrees.  And it kept falling.  The melted snow on the roads quickly became ice.
Then came the wind and the snow.  Heavy snow.  Fierce winds.
When the storm hit I was on the freeway, heading back to work after dropping my wife at the home of some friends.  When I first pulled onto the freeway the snow was just beginning.  Within a mile visibility was down to 20-30 yards, and traffic was down to 25 mph.
After making it back to work the storm continued to rage for another hour or more.  Everyone in the office gravitated to the windows to take stock of the conditions.
By shortly after 5 the traffic in front of the office park was stopped.  Everyone on the road was parked, and everyone in the parking lot was waiting to leave.  So I decided to wait it out inside where it was warm, at least for awhile. 
Six pm,  the traffic was moving. Not swiftly, by any means.  But it was moving.  After scraping the ice off the car in the now sub zero wind chill weather I made into traffic. 
It took a little finagling, but after 20 minutes I managed to go 3 blocks.  Inspiration struck, a short cut was found through the Home Depot and Valley West Mall parking lots.  Eight blocks of progress in 10 minutes.  The worst of the traffic was now behind me.
After picking up my wife we continued on our adventure.  We braved snow and ice, slippery hills and sliding cars.  Going up hills hoping the timing was right so the traffic light wouldn't turn red on us and force us to stop, never to move again.  Urging the car in front to keep going. "Come on, come on, you can do it, you can do it."
After a 2 hour journey my wife and I were finally home safe and sound.The driveway was quickly drifting shut but still passable, so shoveling will have to wait.
Now it's time to relax and look at the picture postcard photos of the beautiful side of an Iowa winter.
So calm, so peaceful.  Finally.

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