Tuesday, January 14, 2014


Story County Road Maintenance Building, Ames, Iowa

As the song said , "Sign, sign, everywhere a sign. Blocking up the scenery, breaking my mind."

This maintenance building in Ames certainly has it's share of signs.  And as signs go these carry some important messages.  Not like those wimpy "Two Hour Parking" signs. Or "Don't Feed The Ducks." 

The biggest, most noticeable sign is my favorite.  "Signs Not Posted For All Hazardous Chemicals".  In short, "We're going to warn you about some nasty stuff here, but there's MORE we aren't telling you about. Have a nice day."

I'm not sure what your feelings are on the subject. But for me, a very large rusting white tank in a filthy red metal box says a lot about the chemical nature of this place.  'Nuff said.

You may not be able to read the smallest sign, the red rectangle to the left of the door. "Beware of Dog."

That's a sign I'm a little ambivalent about.  Do I really need to be afraid of some cute little pooch when there is a huge vat of flesh melting goo ready to burst open and spray me?  On the other hand, any canine that can survive in the belly of this molecular beast must be a mutant.  Perhaps 6 foot at the shoulders, three heads, and drools battery acid.

To be fair to the Story County Road Maintenance crew the required diamond shaped hazardous chemical sign is prominently displayed.  Very pretty, with the crude hand painted numbers, and only intelligible to firemen and chemical engineers.

This facility has yellow 2, blue 3, and red 4.  Scary stuff, especially that red 4. Good thing there's no chartreuse 7.  That would just be too much.

And of course, last but not least, is everyone's favorite sign. "NO SMOKING".  Courtesy of the Iowa Indoor Clean Air Act.

I'll avoid any humorous comments, such as who's worried about cigarette smoke in place with enough deadly fumes to wipe out Puff, Jackie Paper, and everyone else in the land called Honalee.

As a fairly recent ex-smoker I know only too well how damaging cigarette smoke is to your health. Not to mention the fact that lighting up in this place could mean a quick trip to the emergency room. Hollywood style fireball and all. And that would really spoil your day.

So no smoking.  And have a nice day!

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