Saturday, January 11, 2014

Father of the Bride

Church of the Land, Living History Farms

When this photo was taken at Living History Farms I imagined it was a photo of the bride and her father, as seen by the father.  In her father's eyes the bride is still his little girl.

It's with this thought that I began to think of my wife's father, and what kind of relationship they had. I never had the honor of meeting Gina's father, both her parents passed before I met her.  From what I have been told, and from the daughter they raised, I think I would have wanted him to be my friend.

Sometimes in life you just have to put things out there into the universe, even if it isn't totally logical. In that spirit, I offer this letter to Gina's father.

Dear Tatay:

Before and above all other things I would like to assure you that I have nothing but the greatest love and respect for your daughter.  Always know that her well being and happiness will be the most important thing to me from now until the end of time.

Your little girl has grown to become an amazing woman, and I am sure you must be very proud of her.  She has the free spirit of an artist, the curiosity of a scientist, and the loving heart of an innocent child.  Knowing her as I do it is easy for me to imagine you one minute looking to heaven for patience, and the next scooping her up in your arms for hugs filled with love.

Over the last years she has had some trying times, and had to make some very hard choices. It's difficult balancing between the things society tells you to do, and the things your heart tells you to do.  Your daughter was able maintain that balance gracefully, always staying true to what she was taught was right and wrong.

For what ever reason, God has guided your daughter here to be my wife.  I have taken a solemn vow before God to always love, honor, and respect your daughter.  I have vowed to always support her in all things and before all others.  These vows I take very seriously, and will not fail her, God,  or you.

You've raised a small girl into a wonderful woman, and now I am lucky to have her with me.  For this I offer my sincerest thanks to God, and to you. 

Have faith, your daughter is in good hands.

Your grateful son in law,

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