Thursday, February 13, 2014

Light the Candle

“It is better to light one candle then to curse the darkness.” 
- Eleanor Roosevelt

This is one of those quotes that can be ascribed to many sources.  Eleanor Roosevelt gets credit for it in this form.  Adlai Stevenson said “She would rather light a candle than curse the darkness …” in a tribute to her.  In it’s oldest form it’s a Chinese proverb,  and it is often mistaken for a Bible verse.

It's an easy thing to do, cursing the darkness.  For many people it's their go to reaction. 

Another old saying is everyone complains about the weather, but no one does anything about it.  And politics.  And traffic cameras.  And hunger, and diseases, and homelessness.  And hip-hop music.

Many people don't think they can change the world, and the truth is they are right.  No single person can change the world.  Not Obama.  Not Pope Francis.  Not Justin Bieber.

What they can change is one small corner of the world. 

No one expects you to change the world.  After all, if Justin Bieber can't do it how could anyone expect you to change the world?  Cure hunger?  Cure homelessness?  Cure the heartbreak of onion breath?  I think not!

What you can change is one small corner of the world. And that's enough. 

Don't try to feed the multitudes.  You can't and if you try to do so you'll just get frustrated and give up.  And soon you'll be cursing the darkness.

Can you feed a few hungry people?  You don't even have to cook.  There are many reputable charities that will do it for you, they have a recipe book.  If you belong to a church ask your minister or pastor what charities the church is associated with.  If not, just send Justin Bieber an email.  Or tweet him.

Can you drop a few quarters into the Salvation Army Red Kettle at Christmas time?  Of course you can.  And maybe that will make the incessant ringing tolerable.

Can you end war?  Can you bring peace to the universe, and stop the Death Star? 

Don't be silly. 

What you can do is smile at 10 people.  And each of those 10 people will smile at 10 more people. And each of those 100 people will smile at 10 people.  And each of those 1,000 people will smile at 10 people.

See where this is going?  One small act of charity, one small act of kindness, one small candle lights one small corner of the world.  And if enough people light up their corner of the world, all the world will be ablaze with hope. 

Even Justin Bieber can do that.

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