Friday, February 28, 2014


"The most courageous act is still to think for yourself.  Aloud."
- Coco Chanel
Some recent events have compelled me to say a few things here, some things I might not have other wise said.  Yet when I see people being self-righteous and mean spirited it is time for me to speak up.
There was a photo I recently saw of a Valentine's Day party, and before the evening's festivities the national anthem was being sung.  In the photo some people stood with their hand on their heart, some people stood respectfully listening to the singer, and some people were milling about.  All quite normal.
One self-righteous busy body posted a mean spirited message on the photo. 
I have been taught to respect my elders, and I truly try to do so.  However, when Ms. KD makes a comment stating that people not standing with their hand over their heart should be "slapped to the ground" then she has lost any respect. 
When she makes nasty comments about immigrants to this country, then she has doubly lost all claim to respect due someone of her years.
How dare you tell me what I can and can't do?  In case you have forgotten, Ms. KD, this is a free country.
And before you get back on your self-appointed high horse be aware of a couple of facts.
Yes, I am an American citizen. Yes, I was born here.  Yes, I love my country.  Yes, I served in the military.  And yes, every person in that room that night loves this country.
Not only that, Ms. KD, but my family's history is in many ways the history of this country.  There are members of my family tree who came here only a couple of generations ago,  and there are some who founded this country.  My 9th Great Grandfather was one of the original grantees of the colony of Connecticut.  And my wife came to this country less than a year ago.
So Ms. KD, how dare you tell me I should be slapped to the ground because I chose to stand respectfully for the anthem?   How dare you tell me what to do?  What kind of fascist mentality do you have that you would "slap people to the ground" to force them to behave your way?
Be sure of one thing, Ms. KD.  America IS a free country.  Your bigoted, narrow minded, self-righteous, fascist thinking belongs in the trash heap. 
If your family has been in this country for generations, or you have been here only one day, you are free to express yourself how you see fit and proper.  And it is the place of NO ONE to tell you how to behave.  Especially not some self-appointed busy body.
Be sure of this.  I will show my respect during the national anthem in the manor of my choosing, not yours.  Do not presume to tell me, my wife, or my friends how to behave.  Obviously it is you who are in need of a civics lesson.  Or a dictionary with the entry for "freedom" marked.
Regular readers, all 2 of you, know I love a good quote.  So here's a good quote from Oscar Wilde for Ms. KD.  "I may not agree with you, but I will defend to the death your right to make an ass of yourself."
Until you try to tell me, my wife, my family, or my friends how to behave.

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